Time for Giving 2018, Reflecting on Multicultural Identity After Watching Trevor Noah

Comments: The above photo comes from Pexels.com

My wallet is weeping despite my considerate choices in purchases, and vendors. Part of the reason is that I am providing gifts to more than usual this year, and I am going to be visiting four families this year (if the weather does not interfere). Continue reading “Time for Giving 2018, Reflecting on Multicultural Identity After Watching Trevor Noah”

December 2018 Update(s): Continued Personal Growth, Benefits of Counseling, and Looking to the Future (And Fiction Writing at the End!)

Comments: Image above comes from Pexels.com

It has been a while since I have written something, and I apologize in advance for that. I can say with a straight face I had been incredibly busy, and any other reason is…well, very busy combined with the fact I had been dealing with the cooties being spread about. Mentally, I am also not in the best spirits, either. Continue reading “December 2018 Update(s): Continued Personal Growth, Benefits of Counseling, and Looking to the Future (And Fiction Writing at the End!)”

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