Change in Nom De Plume: “Arya H. Kalarathri” to “Arya H. Mariam”

It has been a while since I have posted. To that end, I can only apologize. Things have been tumultuous since the beginning of the summer. For one, I am becoming more socially involved outside of work, whether it be activism, trying to help my family out, or making poetry. There was an awesome poetry boot camp I was part of, where I was told I made some works I needed to keep near for possible publication. Speaking of which: I have a new nom de plume for now.

The use of this will continue until I have some official publications out and feel less need to keep some anonymity. Continue reading “Change in Nom De Plume: “Arya H. Kalarathri” to “Arya H. Mariam””

Social Media: When Being Plugged In Sometimes Fuels the System, Not Disrupts It

Image above provided by Pixabay. 

Recently, I have chosen to take time away from social media (barring this blog). This is something I had considered doing for a while, especially knowing Facebook had been complicit in shutting out Black voices calling out racism. Ironically, I held back from doing this for reasons involving social justice. A lot of my hesitations centered on the concern of whether it would be me exercising my privilege to become less involved in social activity, or taking action when I needed. Continue reading “Social Media: When Being Plugged In Sometimes Fuels the System, Not Disrupts It”

Owning Up in the Beginning of 2019: Because I have Erred

So, I endeavor to apologize genuinely when I have, unintentionally or otherwise, caused harm to people through actions or ignorance. While I do try for respect for fellow human beings, and also trying to gradually work on social justice related work now, there had been times I was not on board with it. Other times, I have been part of the problem, even if unintentionally. Here I am, coming clean about it. Continue reading “Owning Up in the Beginning of 2019: Because I have Erred”

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