December 2018 Update(s): Continued Personal Growth, Benefits of Counseling, and Looking to the Future (And Fiction Writing at the End!)

Comments: Image above comes from

It has been a while since I have written something, and I apologize in advance for that. I can say with a straight face I had been incredibly busy, and any other reason is…well, very busy combined with the fact I had been dealing with the cooties being spread about. Mentally, I am also not in the best spirits, either. Continue reading “December 2018 Update(s): Continued Personal Growth, Benefits of Counseling, and Looking to the Future (And Fiction Writing at the End!)”

Reflections on Past Relationships, Gender Dynamics, and How Toxic Cultural Norms and Ideas Contribute

Comments: Photo courtesy of Alexander Krivitskiy, from

Part of the purpose of my blogging is to use it as a place for reflection. Some might say this portion is like a digital journal, but I feel with journals, you are allowed to go free-form to where you do not need to consider wording. I do not have that luxury with a blog, because I still have some notions of time, place, and form. Someone in a former community I frequented once said, “You can say something everyone agrees with, and still make them want to kick you in the face.” I have taken this advice to heart with public mediums, especially recently. Continue reading “Reflections on Past Relationships, Gender Dynamics, and How Toxic Cultural Norms and Ideas Contribute”

To Show More Compassion

Comments: Image is a courtesy of George Becker via

I feel like a broken record on this topic of compassion and balancing it with healthy boundaries, but a recent documentary I watched by Deeyah Khan reminded me of the importance of it. The way she is able to press extremists to answer hard questions, whether they are white nationalists or extremists from her own community, is unbelievable (in a good way). Continue reading “To Show More Compassion”

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